Sonter's Fern Nurseries
Sonters Fern Nurseries P/L is a family owned national wholesale nursery company operating production
Nurseries in Sydney, Perth and Brisbane.
This year we are celebrating our 50 th year of propagating and growing beautiful plants.
We would like to thank all of our loyal customers for their continuing and enthusiastic support
Nursery Locations

240 singles Ridge Rd, Winmalee 2777
Located just outside Sydney, our Winmalee nursery is our Head Office location , with 12,000 sq metres
of growing space set on 10 H/A.
This nursery propagates all our fern plugs for eastern states and produces a wide range of potted Fern
products and gift lines for our customers in New South Wales and Victoria.

7 Ross Street Jandabup 6077.
Our nursery in Perth propagates and produces a wide range of ferns and indoor plants for West
This nursery also produces many varieties of cut greenery for the cut flower market in Western
Australia. Varieties of cut stems include Leather fern, Joey Fern, Ming Fern, Viburnum, Monstera and
The nursery is set on 4 H/A with 30,000 square metres of covered growing space.

274 Bishop Road Beachmere 4510
Located just north of Brisbane, this nursery is set on a 18H/A site and grows all our potted fern lines for
our Queensland customers.
This nursery also produces a wide range of cut foliage stems for the cut flower industry across Australia.
Varieties of cut foliage include Joey Fern, Leather Fern, Viburnum, Aspidistra and Phillodendron.